![[Modori - Vertical Image]](https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2995/2038/files/Head-Start_1024x1024.jpg?v=1635473679)
Tidy Kitchen, Simple Design
[Modori] Cutting Board (4-Color Set)
Today, we are offering Modori's Cutting Board Set.
This is one of Modori’s best-selling products (selling up to 1000 sets every week in Korea!).
Why the mass appeal? First, it’s beautiful!
Each of the four cutting boards neatly hang from a sleekly designed holder – tidying up your kitchen space.
The outside frame is magnetic – so you can stick-on recipes, notes or personal photos. An easy way to add personality to your kitchen setup.
Second, the cutting board holder is designed well.
The groves in the holder are equally spaced - so each cutting board can hang and drip-dry without touching each other.
No cross-contamination. No mold. No fuss.
Third, the cutting boards are designed with the avid homecook in mind.
The edge of the cutting boards is slightly raised to prevent spillover (a must when cutting Kimchi or juicy fruits).
The cutting boards also have alot of surface friction. Helps to prevent slippery foods like fish or seafood from moving around while cutting. Or the board itself.
The boards are also flexible – can easily fold the cutting boards over a pot and slide the chopped ingredients in.
Best of all, you can sanitize the boards by simply pouring over boiling water (video below).
Unlike wooden or cheap plastic cutting boards, Modori Cutting Boards doesn’t allow for knife marks (which means there’s no grooves where bacteria can grow).
The cutting boards are made with a toxin-free material called Thermoplastic Polyurethane (TPU).
TPU contains no toxic substances, environmental hormones, TVOC, or other hazardous materials – safe for prepping baby foods!
This set includes 4 cutting boards – warm pink / cocoa / cool gray / deep gray.
Use the deep (dark) grey board when cutting dark-colored or stain-inducing foods.
Note: The ceramic pebble magnets are not included in the Cutting Board Set. Please select the second option if you want to purchase it.
Product Highlights
- 4-Piece Cutting Board - beautiful designed to fit in any kitchen
- Made of TPU - highly flexible, doesn't leave any knife marks
- Toxic-free, non-hazardous material
- No cross contamination & drains and dries easily
- [Modori] Cutting Board Set -

[Modori] Handmade Pebble Magnetics (5-Pieces)
Made with Korean Clay
Coated with a sandy finish - feels like a pebble in your hands
Stick-on photos, grocery lists, and recipes to your magnetic cutting board!
(These magnets are not included in the cutting board set - sold separately)

Decorate with your favorite pictures, grocery lists and to-do recipes

You can also use the magnets on your refrigerator

Product Information
Handmade Pebble Magnets
5 magnet pieces
Material: ceramic, magnet
Size: 15 * 20 * 15mm
Made in Korea

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